The answer is: "abstract" .
<span>Vague language, also known as <u> abstract </u> language, forms the basis for many misunderstandings.
<span>Most people would run from a stranger that they believed to be the devil. The reason Tom Walker stays to converse with Old Scratch is the fault of his greed. Tom desires the treasure Old Scratch has promised him. Though Tom initially refuses the treasure to spite his wife, he eventually makes a deal with the devil after his wife is killed.</span>
I do not know where the poem is, but here are some facts about Athena:
Athena was the Goddess of War, the female counterpart of ARES.
She was the daughter of Zeus; no mother bore her. She sprang from Zeus’s head, full-grown and clothed in armor.
She was Zeus’s favorite child.
According to Homer’s account in the Iliad, Athena was a fierce and ruthless warrior. In the Odyssey, she was angry and unforgiving. In the course of the Trojan War, she struck Ajax with madness.
Known for protecting civilized life, she was the Goddess of the City.
According to some sources, Athena was praised for her compassion and generosity.
Athena was a patron of the arts and crafts, especially when it came to spinning and weaving.
In later poetry, Athena embodied wisdom and rational thought.
Athena served as a guardian of Athens, where the Parthenon served as her temple.
Zeus trusted her to wield the aegis and his thunderbolt.
Her most important festival was the Panathenaea, which was celebrated annually at Athens.
She is referred to in poetry as “gray-eyed.”
The owl was her bird, and the olive tree was hers.
She turned the weaver ARACHNE into a spider after the mortal woman insulted Athena and the Olympian gods.
Athena reared Ericthonius, son of HEPHAESTUS. He was half man, half serpent. Athena put the infant in a chest and gave it to others to watch over, forbidding them to open it. When they did, she drove them mad as punishment.
She is one of three virgin goddesses; the other two were HESTIA and ARTEMIS.
Athena invented the flute, but she never played it.
Hermes and Athena went to the aid of PERSEUS IN HIS QUEST TO KILL MEDUSA. Looking directly at MEDUSA would turn any man to stone, so Athena provided PERSEUS with her polished shield. Using it, he was able to see Medusa as if looking in a mirror. Again, Athena guided his hand as he cut off Medusa’s head with his sword.
HERA and Athena fought against Paris in the Trojan War since he had awarded the Golden Apple to APHRODITE.
The sacred image of Athena, a wood statue called the Palladium, protected the Trojans as long as they had it.
ODYSSEUS and Diomedes executed a plan to steal the image, greatly encouraging the Greeks in their hopes to end the long-suffering war.
Athena helped HERCULES when, as a part of his penance, he was required to drive away the Stymphalian birds. She got them moving, and Hercules shot them.
he four years difference between Scout and Jem is certainly apparent in their behaviors. After Scout has been reprimanded by Miss Caroline for explaining to her that Walter does not want to take the quarter he has been offered by her because she has "shamed" him since there is no way he can repay this quarter since "He's a Cunningham." Naively, Scout assumes that Miss Caroline understands what she means; however, the teacher, who is from another part of the state, does not understand Scout's inferences. Instead, she perceives Scout as insolent and punishes her, humiliating Scout before her classmates, who break into "a storm of laughter."
Once outside at lunchtime, Scout quickly seeks revenge against Walter, knocking him down and rubbing his nose in the dirt. But, Jem comes by and tells her to stop, observing the unfairness of her attack, "You're bigger than he is." Scout retorts, "He's as old as you, nearly....He made me start off on the wrong foot." Then, when Scout explains the circumstances of her rage, Jem, much like Atticus would do, asks him if his father is Mr. Walter Cunningham from Old Sarum and generously invites Walter to have lunch with them, explaining,
"Our daddy's a friend of your daddy's. Scout here, she's crazy--she won't fight you any more."
Certainly, Jem is more mature and diplomatic than Scout, and of a less belligerent nature than she. For instance, Scout indelicately criticizes Walter's use of syrup on his food, and she contradicts Calpurnia who scolds her, saying that she should treat company well. "He ain't company, Cal, he's just a Cunningham." After she leaves to return to school she vows retaliation upon Calpurnia.