Season of Goodbyes
The world is changing and sea turtles are being decreased in numbers, hence "save the turtles." Climate change and habitat destruction towards these sea creatures, due to pollution is another obstacle they may or may not pass. It is a season of change and they are saying goodbye to the last one and a frighted, but determined hello to the new one.
Introduction Hurricane Katrina is known for being the most dangerous and murderous hurricane that occurred in August of 2005. It was formed by a tropical wave that moved from the coast of Africa to the Gulf Coast. According to hurricanes, they are distinguished by five different categories, the fifth being the strongest. The tropical wave turned into a hurricane under the fifth category that destroyed thousands of homes and killed thousands of people. Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans hardest Explanation:
Your brother and I are going fishing Saturday
It’s the third one going down
She becomes best friends with Margaret. She is filled with courage to face her future.