The suitors believe Odysseus has died and they want to marry his wife. I'm not sure about the second one, sorry.
Yes Power can be created through discipline
Discipline is the difference between being in control of your future and letting your environment dictate your life. Discipline means freedom and happiness. It gives you the ability to do what you want because you know you can learn how to accomplish anything you set your mind to
Umm no i dont think so sorry
Please move on with you life not to be very harsh BUT LOVE CAN SUCK SOMETIMES OKAY SO BE QUITE
Beauty is something unique and powerful. Anyone could have it. We find beauty in everything. That's mostly how some people fall in love because of the other's beauty. Beauty is both Beautiful and Horrible. Beauty can get you in dangerous situations but also good situations. We all fall in love with beauty. Other people might not see what some people call beauty, someone could find something so beautiful but others probably don't see like they do. Beauty is different for everyone. We all find something beautiful.