The answers are below.
1. Tocqueville believes that individualism comprises two fundamental aspects: first, a denunciation of the despotic dangers that threaten democratic societies when their members, dominated by the individualist tendency, withdraw to the private sphere and disregard responsibilities that correspond to them, as citizens; and, secondly, a proposal to overcome, in a humanistic key, the perspective that conceives of individualism as an anthroponomic figure characteristic of liberal democracy.
2. The main problem that Tocqueville arises throughout Democracy in America is that of the conformation of the democraticus furnace and hence its interest in thoroughly analyzing the nature, consequences, inconveniences and possible remedies to such transformation.
3. The example of American society - Tocqueville maintains - teaches us to distinguish between this erroneous, grossly utilitarian and individualistic view of one's own interest, and an enlightened and "well understood" vision of it. The first one reduces the individual interest to the merely economic, conceives it naively as if it were something natural and previously constituted to the social relationship, tends to confuse it with selfishness and, finally, believes illusory that the general interest is nothing more than sum of private interests. The second, on the contrary, defines the particular interest as a social construction and insists, from there, on the need to make individuals understand that they are not self-sufficient and that their own interest is closely linked to the fair construction of a common interest.
4. In the way that Tocqueville considered equality as a great political and social idea of his time, the author argued that the United States was the most advanced example of equality in action.
The correct answer is: The samurai and daimyo restored the emperor to power and worked to reform Japan.
Indeed, Japan had remained fiercely isolated from the rest of the world for centuries. Japan especially mistrusted Western powers sine they had better technology and were extremely aggressive and powerful. In 1853, American Commodore Matthew C. Perry, arrived with four US military, steam-powered ships which were equipped with very modern and destructive guns. The Japanese had no means to oppose him in any manner and yielded to his demands, that Japan sign an official treaty if trade and commerce with the United States. This treaty, the Convention of Kanagawa angered many of the highest-ranking samurais for whom it was seen as a capitulation. They decided that Japan was way behind Western powers and that unless they imposed radical societal, economic reforms, they would be dominated by the West. They managed to remove Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the last Shogun of Japan and restored the Emperor.
Traditionalist samurais were incensed by this action and a civil war ensued, which reformist samurais were able to win with the help of Western technology and military advisors. Most power was transferred to the Emperor and Japan started massively importing technology and methods of social organization from many different countries in the west.
They were helping people learn a new language because it would help them and give them better opertunties to get work and understand people around them. This was very important for them because without learning a new language they could not speak to the people. I think it's very good they learned a new language
The Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century paved the way for the Industrial Revolution in Britain. New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding led to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health. The new farming techniques also led to an enclosure movement.