Guilt, self disgust, senslessness
Boston is plagued by feelings of guilt and self-disgust after the senseless, cold-blooded murder of Gumboot Dhlamini. He wants to know if Tsotsi shares these feelings. Boston asks Tsotsi many questions and this has a profound effect on Tsotsi, who does not remember much of his past.
The light bounces off of the mirror.
Diabetes technology has come a long way. From blood glucose meters and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) to cutting-edge insulin pumps and more, devices are easier to use and less invasive. There are lots of options so that you can find what works best for you.
Answer: The answer is C, a monohybrid cross.
A dihybrid cross would be crossing 2 (usually linked) traits in the same punnett square, while a trihybrid cross is with 3 traits. Since he's only studying 1 trait (tall vs. short) the answer is C, a monohybrid cross.