Harkhuf in his collection of memoirs portrays four undertakings into Nubia. In the first place, he composes that Pharaoh his ruler sent him together with his dad to Nubia to open the path to that nation and when he returned he brought many blessings from that point. He went a moment on numerous occasions returned with blessings, the third time he returned with three hundred conveying a ton of presents and in conclusion, was the letter from Pharaoh which affirmed that to be sure Harkhuf had been to Nubia and had carried with him a dwarf of the god's moves from Nubia.
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Traditional cyberspace operational task is to permanently, completely, and irreparably deny access to, or operation of, a targeted function for the foreseeable scope of the conflict.
Cyberspace, according to the Department of Defense, is the fictitious space in which digital information is transmitted over computer networks. The DOD's regular business operations in and through cyberspace are made up of its military, intelligence, and intelligence-related activities. Military operations in cyberspace employ cyberspace capabilities to produce effects that aid operations in both the physical and cyberspace domains. In order to carry out national security duties, cyberspace operations are carried out under the jurisdiction of the judicial branch. Traditional threats typically come from states using well-known military tactics and recognized military forces. Non-intelligence activities make up cyberspace OPE and serve as the foundation for subsequent operations.
More about cybersecurity brainly.com/question/26260220
Noise can be described as a type of sound that causes distraction; this sound can be generated from various sources. It is a major hurdle to active listening as it disrupts an individual's ability to understand the message that is being communicated correctly.
Active listening requires an environment that is free from any type of strange sound which is capable of placing a barrier to proper communication.
In the scenario described above, the sound coming from the campus landscaper that was mowing the lawn is an example of noise. This sound coming from the lawnmower hinders the audience from understanding the message that is being passed during the student's presentation.