1) Jefferson reconciled party differences through a peaceful transition and allowed the federal constitution being used as a working document after the disputed election.
2) Thomas Jefferson signed a bill banning all trade with Europe. No ships could enter the United States, and no ships could leave. The purpose of the trade ban was to keep America out of the war between Britain and France.
3) Jefferson expanded the American territory by almost double the size when he purchased the Louisiana territory which cost $15 million from Napoleon Bonaparte and France which were cash strapped due to ongoing wars at the time.
<h3>A. The O. J. Simpson trial
- The Case of O.J Simpson trial was about O.J Simpson who was acquitted for the murder of his ex-wife. The trial lasted for about a year. It was telecast in the T.V with millions of viewers following the trial.
- Soon, the trail became a show for infotainment where viewers watched it for both information and entertainment at the same time.
- A television show called American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson which revolves around the trial around the trial of O.J. Simpson also surfaced in the year 2016 which has gained a lot of popularity.
The oil crisis was when Iranian Oil no longer was sold in the U.S. and it was a problem because that was where the oil came from and caused a shortage. I'm gonna say the first one?
"b. lived in the same state for 10 years" would not be a requirement needed in order to become president, since people quite often move around between various states during their lives.