Sperm undergo more mitotic cellular divisions than egg and therefore have a higher risk of developing a spontaneous mutation.
As you have seen in the question above, lycanthropy is a mutation that is more likely to be established as the supply of male gametes comes from older men. This is because sperm undergo more mitotic cell divisions than eggs, and therefore are at greater risk of developing a spontaneous mutation.
In order for you to understand this, you need to know that eggs (which are female gametes) are produced at once in a woman's body. Thus, cell division is limited and therefore the opportunity for spontaneous mutations to occur is also limited. However, men produce sperm from adolescence to death, creating the need for countless cell divisions, which can develop genetic errors that create spontaneous mutations in gametes.
Because between the earth and sun is empty space (vacuum) transfer of heat from the sun to earth can only occur through radiation- because convection and conduction require a medium. The is the same process that warms your hands when you place them beside a fire. When you put your hands above the fire, they are warmed through convection.
I believe that the disadvantages outway the advantages. Afterall we want to stay healthy and live longer.
Check the c in the explanation
a) RNA has three components - 1) 5 - carbon ribose sugar (2) phosphate group (3) nitrogen base
RNA polymerase is an enzyme involved in transcription where genetic material DNA is transcribed into RNA ( mRNA,rRNA,tRNA).
b) the dependent variable here is what we are looking in the experiment , here it is number of nuceotides per second ,the transcription efficiency of RNA polymerase. And the two controls are important wild type without drug and experimental strain without drug these two tells about baseline of transcription rate of an enzyme. so that one can explain the drug effect on a enzyme.
c) In both wild type and exp strain upon treatment with amanitin the transcription rate decreased in exp strain it is not significant whereas in wild type the effect is much higher compare to exp strain and it is significant. this suggests that the mutation in experimental strain must be on larger subunit of the RNA pol enzyme. that mutation might be showing effect of binding drug to the enzyme and also has a role for its enzyme activity.
and the reduction of transcription rate is 100% efficient in wild type compared with exp strain.
d) a null hypothesis is a general statement in a statistics where there is no measured phenomenon between groups.
the change in the amino acid is an important clue, tells that there is no effect in transcription rate between experiment strain with and without drug . which in turn tells that the mutation is imp for the activity of the Enzyme for its role.
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