An example of full time job would be a doctor, or FBI agent. An example of a part time job is a fast food worker, or artist.
A part time job could be for when you are on break but still wish to work and earn money. A full time job is for everyday of the week and could also work for the weekends. Some full time jobs keep you for a late night shift
A list of full time jobs: Doctor Nurse FBI Agent CIA Agent Teacher Pilot (I believe-) -Semi Driver Photographer (can be a part time job) Artist (can be a part time job) And more
A list of part time jobs: Fast food worker Artist (can be a full time job) Library assistant Customer service Photographer (can be a full time job) Tutor Lifeguard And more
The shape would be a trapezoid, because trapezoids always have two sets of equivalent angles, while others don't. Like squares and rectangles have all 90 degree angles.