<span>Endorphin. Endorphin are pepetide hormones secreted by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland. They inhibit the transmission of pain signals; they also produce a feeling of euphoria very similar to the ones produced by other opioids. Its 1 production is usually triggered by various human activities although they are produced in response to pain. Carrying out frequent exercise usually stimulates the release of beta-endorphin in the human brain known as runner's high. This is the probably the reason Mobombi could finish the race pain free.</span>
It shows up in your stool. Specifically the undigested food includes material that cannot be absorbed by the vili found in the small intestine. Thereafter the material moves to the large intestine, goes through the bowel tract, turns into feces and exits the GI tract via the rectal cavity
The first organisms to grow in new or disturb areas is called pioneer species.