Escaping slavery would have been much more deadly and difficult without help from people along the way.
One of the most well-known organized networks of escape is the so-called Underground Railroad. Actually, white people (such as Quakers) were the ones who helped slaves not only leave their owners, but also survive and find sanctuary in the Northern states or Canada through informal abolitionist associations.
Una controversia que recuerda a GamerGate se está gestando en la comunidad de juegos, ya que el diseñador de un juego popular defiende su elección para programar algunos estereotipos problemáticos de género en sus personajes.
Aunque RimWorld aún no es un juego completo, el simulador de supervivencia de la caja de arena de la colonia de ciencia ficción, publicado por primera vez en 2013 — se ha vuelto cada vez más popular desde su lanzamiento de “Early Access” en la plataforma Steam en julio pasado.
Harriet Stowe's book,"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Missouri Compromise, Dred-Scott court case, the Fugitive Slave Act
1. Stowe's book greatly influeced the Civil War because she describes the true horrors of slavery that most northerners or other people, weren't very aware of. People knew slavery exsited, but didn't know how bad the treatment was. This open the eyes for the people in the North especially, increasing the amount of people to support anit-slavery.
2.The Missouri Compromise is what starts is all, by diving the U.S. into slave and free states, there was bound to be created tensions between the two sides.
3.The Dred-scott case ruled that slaves were property and did not have any rights to the Consitution...this was a shocked factor to both free and slaved blacks. Once again, fueling tensions between anti-slavery, and pro-slavery people.
4. Th Fugitive Slave Act angered many Northerns who were anti-slavery because, the act forced northerners to capture and return any slaves that escaped to the North. They can't help them to escape, otherwise they will be jailed, which goes against Northerns morals. This act mainly favored the South.
(Sorry if there were any spelling mistakes.)
The olmecs created long- distance trade routes which was used to trade items in which were needed. Due to this the olmec culture spread out to a wider community.The olmec culture also made statues looking like heads from stone here’s and example