Which country owned the land
3 ways could be were: 1. Increasing presence of organisms that benefit from human sedentary activities. 2. Cementum increments on mammal teeth Indications that hunting took place in both winter and summer 3. Energy expenditure
The correct answer is A)Taxes were based on fixed rates and were no longer a surprise.
The emperor Napoleon saw that France had a weak financial infrastructure and wanted to make changes to reform the French economy. He created the indispensable Bank of France and made fixed taxes rates. He also generated a system of tariffs and loans to make the local industry stronger.
The correct answer is Winfield Scott. He was an American war general who successfully managed to land amphibiously at Veracruz and initiate the siege of Veracruz which was a successful military endeavor of the United States of America. It was an integral part of the Mexican-American war.