The rhyme scheme makes the poem a metaphor.
'Dusk' by Saki is about Norman Gortsby, who's cheated by a young man about needing money. Initially, Gortsby is suspicious, but he later finds a bar of soap on the ground, which confirms the young man's story. His guilt from being judgmental drives him to seek out the young man.
Edward have created the emotion of fear in the sermon.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is a discourse written by Jonathan Edwards. In the sermon, Edward have made use of an emotion of fear by putting forward powerful hell imaginary.
Throughout the story Edward have made use of words which are fearful in itself. There’s a line in the story which states that, ‘One is uncertain when he will fall in the pits of hell.’ The impact this sentence have on readers is quite frightful. If we notice at the caption of the sermon, in the caption itself Edward have used alarming words such as ‘sinners’ and ‘Angry god’ causing fearfulness.
<u>The theme of the story is that we should not blame others for our lives and choices, especially considering it might turn out we would do the same in their shoes. </u>
Iyapo was blaming his fate on Adam, but once he was given the opportunity for a good life without the survival struggle he also fell under the temptation of curiosity. Just like Adam ate forbidden fruit and lost a chance to stay in the Garden of Eden, Iyapo opened the door King told him not to and lost the chance to stay in the palace as his brother.
<u>It was his own choice and he knew it is forbidden, even though before he blamed Adam for a similar situation.</u>
The story, therefore, talks about how we each make our own choices and that we should answer ourselves for them.