There was a huge war in Italy at the time and Machiavelli wanted to give rulers advice on how to rule their countries more efficiently. His trademark phrase in The Prince was that "the ends justifies the means". Meaning, as long as the result is good for country, what you did to achieve that result doesn't matter.
Teenage pregnancy and poverty are closely related to each other. Due to poverty, some teens are uneducated about sexual intercourse and the proper use of contraceptives. The lack of awareness in using contraceptives is a big factor in most of teenage pregnancy cases.
In the two poems, the journey is a metaphor for life and passage into afterlife. In Ulysses Tennyson talks about how his life is nearing its end and how he's old now while in crossing the bar he talks about dying and going into afterlife. Both poems use the motif of journey on open seas to describe venturing into the unknown, that is, how life passes quickly as a journey does and the next stop on the journey is afterlife.
The Seneca Falls Convention was one of the first major women's rights conventions, so the answer is "b. The Declaration of Sentiments was
<span> introduced</span>"