The units and their physical quantities are the second for time, the metre for measurement of length, the kilogram for mass, the ampere for electric current, the kelvin for temperature, the mole for amount of substance, and the candela for luminous intensity.
Shallow groove on the surface of the cortex is called sulcus.
Cortex means the outer layer of an inner organ. The outer layer of the cerebrum is called cerebral cortex, where cerebrum occupies the biggest part of the brain. A human being has four lobes of the cerebral cortex which include temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and frontal lobe.
Cortex has six layers of different types of neurons which are responsible for higher information processing and thinking. Cerebral cortex controls general movement, behavioural reactions, perception and visceral functions. We term the grooved layer as the brain itself.Cerebral cortex consists of large amounts of sulci and gyri(sulcus and gyri in singular). The number of gyri correlates to the processing ability of the animal.A man has big gyri compared to a rat.
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<u>A. red blood cells containing malaria</u>
Malaria is a disease-causing pathogen in humans. It is caused by species of the parasite <em>Plasmodium sp.</em><em>,</em> which is transmitted as sporozoites by the Anopheles mosquito upon biting the host. These travel through the bloodstream to the liver where they mature into merozoites. These reenter the bloodstream and mature into trophozoites and schizonts that produce more merozoites.
When they multiply within the red blood cell, they <u>burst the red blood cell open</u>, and go on to infect other cells. This infection's symptoms are cyclic and include high fever, chills and other flu-like symptoms.
Malaria is a deadly illness, causing harm to its hosts, and in many cases death. <u>Thus, this cannot be defined as symbiosis, which is typically beneficial to both organisms.</u>
<em>Entamoeba histolytica</em>
<em>Entamoeba histolytica </em>is the causative agent of amebiasis (amebic dysentery). The pathogen enters the human body through consumption of contaminated water or food and enters the small and large intestines. <em>E. histolytica</em> targets the epithelium of large intestine and creates ulcers in it. <em>E. histolytica </em>enter the mucosa and submucosa of the intestine through these ulcers and leads to severe dysentery, that is amoebic dysentery.