<span>The goal of giving the debtor a fresh start is accomplished through</span><span> releasing debtors from personal liability for specific debts and protecting them from collection efforts.</span>
Answer: Organization chart
The organization chart is a diagram that shows the relation among the employees in an organization. The organization chart is also used to show the relationship that exists between the departments in an organization or and also shows their functions.
Organization chart can be used as a management tool that is used for planning purposes, and can also be used as a personnel directory.
The purpose of an organization chart is to illustrate the chais of command and reporting relationships that exist within an organization.
The bus company has monopoly over the bus service in the town because it has no competitors.
You don't communicate to convey activities, or to integrate activities. We can, therefore, eliminate answers "a," "b," and "e."
So is our purpose to discuss or organize an activity? Either answer fits. We discuss activities to gather the opinions of others regarding said activities. But discussing is, itself, a form of communicating, it is not an outcome. The other points listed are outcomes "we provide... influence... [through communication]." Therefore, the answer must be "c. organize".