They break down the scraps of food and such. if we did not have decomposers then the earth would be over ran with dead plants and animals and it would not be a nice place to live
u write n1663r and teachers give u an a automatically
Nowadays we have much more modernized farming. There are combines, tractors and other machines. Back then they used hundreds of workers and now 1 machine gets all that done in half the time. Try googling it for more info.
3750 of the dominant allele. 1250 of the recessive. 50% hybrid, 25% pure dominant, and another 25% recessive.
Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is a compound that is
produced naturally in the human body. Found in high levels in the skeletal and
heart muscles, & white blood cells & central nervous system. It's
essential component in bile & aids in digestion of fats and the absorption
of vitamins that are fat-soluble. 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid is also found in
seaweed, fungi and bacteria<span> -compound in bile that allow
fats & oils to be absorbed- essential development central nervous
system & retina</span>.