It would be the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union in which Reagan fought any progressive movements like the Sandinistas in NIcaragua by funding the contras and also he bombed Kaddafi in Libya by trying to make him out to be a tyrant when in fact it turns out that he transformed Libya into one of the most modern and progressive countries in Africa under him.
Middle Colonies Government
All of the systems of government in the Middle Colonies elected their own legislature, they were all democratic, they all had a governor, governor's court, and a court system. Government in the Middle Colonies was mainly Proprietary, but New York started as a Royal Colony.
In the twentieth century, urban areas were defined as communities of more than 2,500
During the Civil War, American cities expanded even faster as industrialisation and globalisation began. By the turn of the 20th century, the US eastern coast towns were almost inconceivable, and many of their inhabitants were still living in misery. Often extremely corrupt is their local government, police forces, and companies.
Apart from this increase of urbanisation, the US has become more and more global since its foundation. More than 3/5 of the US population today resides in an urban area (usually defined as an integrated region with a minimum population of 2,500) and much less than a quarter is living in a rural area.
The causes of the rioting ran deep. It was sparked by long-standing anger about policy brutality and also by a sense of hopelessness about unemployment, poverty, bad schools, low rates of home ownership and poor social services, according to city officials and neighborhood leaders.