a sword hilt, broken English bowls, and a fragment of a slate writing tablet still inscribed with a letter
The Whiskey Rebellion was a significant event in American history because it proved that the U.S. government was willing and able to suppress violent opposition with military force. The events during this rebellion also played a significant role in the development of political parties.
The Industrialization in Russia began after the United States. Industrialization in America began without any intervention of the government.
Industrialization in America changed the scenario of social and economic structure. In autocratic Russia, Industrial Revolution often started by the state. Russia made efforts to catch up with the more powerful and innovative states of Europe (Prussia). Russian industrialization was associated with with the 5-year plans of Stalin. The working-class consciousness among factory labours developed quickly in Russia.
Post the cartoon and I will answer it for you.
They are both asking for more freedoms.
The Declaration of Sentiments is about the women's suffrage and how they do not have the rights they deserve whilst the Declaration of Independence is about the 13 colonies declaring their independence as a country and Britain being the cause by not giving them the rights and requests they want.