It is 'Je suis à la maison.'
11) Is asking, how many people are in your family?
12)Is asking, if you have brothers or sisters and if so how many?
13) Is asking if you have any pets and what is/are their name(s)?
14) Is asking if you have any cousins and if so, how old are they?
15) Is asking who do you like in your familly
1. a)vrai
5. b)faux
6. Tante (Aunt)
7. Neveu (Nephew)
8. Demi-frere (Step-Brother)
9. Cousins
10. Grand-pere (Grandpa)
Ma sœur est très fatigué parce qu’elle travaille beaucoup
Elle est femme d’affaire
Son mari est dentiste
Il est inquiet pour sa femme