<h2><u><em>its beging to look a lot like number 2</em></u></h2>
Deaf people were not permitted to serve in the military during World War I and II. Do youthink this is fair? Can you think of any practical reasons that it might have made sense toforbid Deaf people from serving in this capacity?●I think it is fair because if you are deaf and in the military and there is a fight it would be difficult for them to understand what is going on. And someone else would be put in danger because not only will he have to be looking out for his own life but he would have to watch the deaf person too. 5.In most colleges and universities, ASL is considered a foreign language and students areable to take ASL classes to fulfill foreign language requirements. However, some scholars and professors wonder whether this designation as a foreign language is appropriate as ASL is a distinctly American/domestic (not “foreign”) language. What do you think? Do you think ASL should be considered a foreign language?●I think it should but at the same time I think it shouldn’t because signed English is a system that helps someone communicate English through different signs andfingerspelling. However, this is different from ASL as it does not have its very ownlanguage. You use English grammar for signed English
Inside the parenthesis are dates.
For example 1.)
三月十日= March 10
三(three) 月(month) 十(10)日(day)
On the very far right 2.)
八月十五日= August 15
八(eight) 月(month) 十(10) 五(5) 日(day)
One of the most significant powers the media has is that of being able to shape opinions. For your community group or organisation, this presents great opportunities to get more people thinking positively about you after hearing positive news coverage of your group and what it is doing.
To indicate the kind of job you are looking for, you would include such information on your career objective on your resume.