The correct answer is A) Lend support to the invisible hand by maintaining property rights and political stability
The absence of the government in legislative tasks related to the market is, therefore, one of the main bases of the economic theory developed by Adam Smith throughout his bibliographical work. For Smith, the leaders must deal with other areas of control more focused on defense or justice, leaving the market to its free operation.
The invisible hand presupposes that there is an inertia by which the market and its self-regulation leads individuals to make the best decisions for the majority of the population to achieve well-being. In other words, it is a kind of automatic control mechanism that compensates the actions taken as a whole, regulating social conformations.
Therefore, it is assumed that the self-regulation facilitated to the markets helps to achieve an optimal market. To do this, individuals must behave in such a way that they can act without state mediation and in pursuit of their own interest.
The metaphor of the invisible hand also supposes that individuals are encouraged or held back to produce or not to follow the level of prices that exist in the market. Prices and profits are sufficient indicative to know when to participate in the market or not. Basically, if there is profit in a market niche, this supposes a stimulus for production, while losses lead individuals to quit.
Answer and Explanation:
The calculation of the adjusted price that could use for these two comps in a CMA is given below:
For Comp property A, the value of the garage should be
= $452,500 + $4,500
= $457,000
And, for comp property B, the value of the pool should be
= $446,000 + $5,000
= $451,000
In this way, it should be considered
Operant conditioning is used by Mark .
The instrumental conditioning is the other name given for operant conditioning. It can be considered as a method of learning in which rewards and punishments are used for modification of certain behaviors. This forms a relativity between certain behavior and the consequences of that behavior.
In the example given, Mark has decided to give rewards in order to make his employees to reach office at time. Monthly rewards are given to those employees who did not take breaks and thus he is using the principle of Operant conditioning .
Throughout my home, there are many objects that were made in many different places. These objects, though they may seem pedestrian, are highly significant in their ability to help and serve. One of these objects includes my television. This trade occurred at Best Buy, where I gave $5,000 U.S dollars in turn for a continuous flow of information. I have since been positively impacted, as I am always aware of my surroundings (I.e. news) and I can keep up with the latest shows. Another example is my refrigerator. My refrigerator allows me to, once again, connect to the internet and keep in touch with those around me. This product has also impacted me, as it makes life much easier. When at the grocery, I am able to search on my phone and look inside to see what I may, or may not, need.