decreased primary consumer
<span>Therapeutic cloning means that it could be used to heal people so the best way to benefit the society while doing this would be to help cure diseases. Example would be cloning body parts and testing diseases on them and then developing medication that can help against them. Also you could clone exact body parts that fit you so you could have a new kidney or lungs if necessary that fit you perfectly.</span>
Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke causes approximately 45 to 46,000 non smokers to die of heat diseases annually. Smoking harms the cardiovascular system in many ways which include; damaging the lining of arteries, reduces HDL, good choresterol, Raises LML, bad cholesterol, increases blood pressure and heart rate, it also causes the platelets to stick together in the blood stream and speeds the development of fatty deposits in the arteries among other risk factors.
black carbon which is "B"