An incubator.
Most enzymes work best at about 37 °C and start to denature around 40 °C.
Thus, the student should use a laboratory incubator, which is essentially an oven that can heat a biological sample to a set temperature.
This model shown below reaches a maximum temperature of 62° C, and its heat controller maintains temperatures within ± 0.5 °C°.
They use different detecting methods to assess neuronal circuits
Chemogenetics is a technique widely used in neuroscience research to explore signaling interactions by means of genetically modified receptors capable of interacting with small molecules. Chemogenetics was first used to determine the function of the chalcone isomerase gene by inducing mutations that altered its substrate specificity. On the other hand, optogenetics is a bioluminescence-driven genetic technique used to control genetically modified neurons that express light-gated ion channel genes. This technique is also used to monitor neuronal networks. In consequence, optogenetic and chemogenetic techniques have recently been combined in order to analyze neuronal circuits, it by analyzing the same actuator molecule.
Answer . These two molecules form what is known as a triglyceride or a fat. Two common forms of triglycerides are saturated and un saturated fats.. so basically lipids
B. Lipids.
A basic and a non-invasive test done in pregnancies during the course of 28 weeks of gestation is termed as a fetal non-stress test. It is termed non-stress as no stress is imparted on the fetus while performing the examination. The main objective of the test is to determine the fetus's heart rate at the time of its movement.
In the test, it can be seen that the heart rate of the fetus gets increased each time it moves, which shows that the baby is healthy as the heart rate goes up when it moves and goes down during its resting stage. The principle behind the test is that for proper well-being of the fetus, sufficient oxygen is needed and heart rate should come in normal ranges.