1. Are you going on vacation this year? When?
2. When do you pack your bags? How many suitcases do you travel with?
3. Do you prefer the sea, the countryside, or the ski resorts?
4. How are you at the airport? Are you taking the bus? The subway?
5. What is your favorite vacation?
6. When do you use a plan?
7. What is your favorite country? Why?
8. In which country (ies) do you want to travel?
Le nom de ma mère est Angela et le nom de mon père est Ron, ils sont tous les deux très attentionnés.
J'ai un frère, son nom est Hayden. Il est très artistique. Trisha est ma belle-sœur. Elle est très intelligente. Chloé est ma nièce. Elle a six mois.
Hope this helps :)
Yes depending on your personal taste and where you get it from.
Chicken nuggets are made differently in different places and taste different, just depends on how you like it but in a majority vote, most people would say that chicken nuggets are tasty.
J'aime les pommes mais j'adore les pêches.
tu aimes
il/elle/on aime
nous aimons
vous aimez
ils/elles aiment