Mississippi is a state of the southeast United States. There are many famous Native American tribes whose territories and homelands once located in Mississippi River Valley.
Native Americans had a culture in the Mississippi valley before the European conquest, by maize cultivation and trade for their society. The city centre of the Mississippi culture known as Cahokia, which reached its peak between the 10th and the 14th century. Numerous settlements located near the river managed trade networks that stretched to all direction of North America.
The arrival of the European settlers abused the balance of power among Indian nations (Appalachian). Many Indian tribes forced to move west and to settle in the Mississippi valley.
The names of the Mississippi tribes included the Biloxi, Choctaw, Dakota Sioux, Ibitoupa, Natchez, Okelousa, Pensacola, Chickasaw, Quapaw, Taposa, Tiou, etc.
They planted crops of pumpkins, corn, beans, and squash and also gathered wild foods such as fruit, roots, and nuts. They made sap in maple trees. They were also engaged in hunting and warfare.
Europe was dependent for money, weapons
Answer:The North was based around industry and the growth of cities. Immigrants provided cheap labor in the industrious North. Northern business owners benefitted with trade from the South. Many people of the North began to oppose slavery.
National security courts created by the Congress balance individual rights and national security by showing that justice must be served well among the people. They are responsible to the rights and dignity of a person. They are there to serve and protect the lives of the people, without any biases. Hope this helps answer your question.