B) Favourable Variances occur whenever actual prices or actual usage of inputs are greater than standard prices or standard usage.
Variances refer to the difference between actual and standard or budgeted costs. Standard cost is also referred to as budgeted cost. Budgeted costinh can be used by a food nutritionist to determine the food quantity he can cook as well as the ingredient amount which consists of the budgeted costs and the actual cost of preparing the food. Budgeted costchas a major advantage which is its ability to determine the pricing policy even before the product or service is delivered. When favourable or unfavourable variances are mentioned, it refers to the greater of budgeted or actual price or quantity. Favourable goes with a greater actual price or quantity while unfavorable or adverse goes with a greater standard price or quantity.
The suitable portfolio for the young investor is a.) portfolio of with a high percentage of stocks. Stocks are a person's share in a company, giving them profits or losses based on a company's performance. Stocks are highly risky due to the unpredictable performance in the stock market, prices can rise or drop fast. However, the returns of the stocks are higher compared to other financial instruments.
The correct answer is letter "B": can be physically touched.
Goods are those <em>material </em>assets that satisfy consumers' needs. Services are also provided to fulfill individuals' wants but they are <em>intangible</em>, meaning even if goods can be rendered from one person to another, services cannot be touched or perceived with the senses. The creation of goods and services to cover different types of necessities is what drives countries' economies.
This is what a customer pays if he or she travels less than a block (for example) and charges mind and decide to get off can. Then after at every additional mile travelled the $2.80 per mile applies.