The body naturally responds by rejecting the new organ because it is identified as a foreign object. Doctors use tissue typing to measure the compatibility of the antigens in the organ to that of the recipient. Another way doctors make sure the organs are accepted is through immunosuppressants that make the immune system does not attack the organ.
must include:
body rejects transplants because it recognizes them as foreign
lymphocytes attack the new organ
tissue typing measures antigens on tissue donor organ for compatibility
immunosuppressants disrupt the replication process of lymphocytes that produce antibodies and makes the immune system less effective
Generally, the sun observes a solar cycle of eleven years. In this cycle, there are fluctuations in the activity, such as the ejected levels of solar radiation, and in the appearance of the sun, such as changes in the amount and size of sun spots, solar flares and other phenomena that occur on the sun's surface.
These changes also affect phenomena on earth, especially the auroras.
Cyanobacteria were very simple organisms and performed were an role in changing Earth's early atmosphere. They carried out photosynthesis to produce the materials they needed to grow. In this process, they release Oxygen which is needed to sustain life on Earth for Humans and other organisms.
Because you could be wrong.
if you mess up one thing it can mess up the entire project or experiment.
<span>It is likely that the hydrogen pump is not functioning properly. The hydrogen pump sends hydrogen ions through membranes. It is crucial in the production of ATP, or energy, which is the main product that the mitochondria makes. The functioning of the mitochondria is essential to the functioning of the cell.</span>