Moderate investor
The moderate investors are most popularly known as 'Balanced investors'. They accepts the risk to principal and they adopt the balanced approach. They mainly uses a mixture of bonds and stocks.
They values the reducing risks and then enhancing the returns equally. They accepts modest risks so as to ensure higher long term returns.
Because of the baby in the womb
Remember, a pregnant woman carries a life (the fetus) in her womb, and the unborn child depends on its mother for food. Such a complex and fascinating stage of pregnancy requires the mother to be well-nourished or else the child may die or suffer some health problems; which may even affect the mother.
c it reduces errors
Instead of Mrs.Patel doing it she has an online program made for checks to do it for her.
In python the input() function prompts the user to enter information.
Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of software.