1. Nick was different to Daisy and Tom
because He earns a living. Daisy and Tom are an immensely wealthy couple.
2. Michelle threw her hands up in
Exaltation. Exaltation is defined as extreme happiness
3. Gatsby tells Nick that his family
died and left him a huge amount of money, making him the richest man
When Daisy visited Gatsby, She was surprised that Gatsby was alone. She
was curious why he lives alone in a very big house
5. Gatsby isn’t accepted by the people
with likes of Daisy and Tome because of his “new” money despite the lavish
parties that he threw, people are always spreading gossips and rumors about him
is there supposed to be a question?
Low-skilled newcomers were supplied labor for industrialization, and higher-skilled arrivals helped spur innovations in agriculture and manufacturing. The data also show that the long-term benefits of immigration did not come at short-term cost to the economy as whole
It is an external conflict.
Conflicts are the situations that advance the plot of a story. Fundamental to entertain the reader, because through them the characters express themselves. The external conflict is one that occurs between two or more characters or a character and their environment.
In the fragment, the conflict is between the main character and his environment, which is very cold and uncomfortable. The character should learn how to make the fire to face the adverse situation.