We want to find 9.5% of $50.
First put 9.5% in decimal form. 9.5% = 0.095.
Then multiply 0.095 by 50. 50 * 0.095 = $4.75 fee
The money Kennedy will recieve is going to be 50 dollars minus the $4.75 fee.
50 - 4.75 = $45.25 with the fee subtracted

Step-by-step explanation:
From the given figure it can be seen that
Total number on cube= n(S)=6
Intersection of A and B = n(A ∩ B)= 2

Also, The number of elements in A = 2

Similarly, The number of elements in B= 6

The formula to find the conditional probability is given by :-

You subtract negative 4 and negative 12...think in a number line and you find negative 4 and then you decrease( which means you move to your left of the number line) and find negative 12 and then you count the spaces you took to get to negative 12
Point (-5,21) would end up in quadrant II (2).
Step-by-step explanation:
It would end up in quadrant 2 because x=-5 which means it would go left.
y=21 which means it would go up.
Because of this, the point would end up in the top left of the graph which is quadrant 2.