Both in religion and in politics, Thomas Jefferson believed that all men are created equal. Therefore, each man and woman have the right to choose their beliefs and have their own opinions.
In January 1777, Thomas Jefferson drafted the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom which established the right of every man and woman to their own religious beliefs and opinions. Nine years later, this bill became the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom. This statute was eventually incorporated into the Constitution as the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
As regards the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote a statement of the colonists' right to rebel against the British government and establish their own based on the premise that all men are cretaed equal. In consequence, they have the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. His ultimate goal was to express the unity of Americans against the tyranny of Britain.
Please mark me as brainlyist</h2><h2>
hmmm what is the question
Arizona and Sonora share the same ecosystem, the Sonoran Desert region. They share common history, several Native American tribes on both sides of the border, and they have six border twin towns. The natural boundary is 361 miles long and it has never been a totally closed border. Arizona needed Sonora's miners and ranchers and they have been the biggest source of migrants to the USA.
Because of the constant flow of people across the border, the Arizona-Sonora region <em>developed its own separate identity.</em> Many people living there are bilingual and commute daily to the other side of the border for work. Their value system has been affected by the proximity of a different culture. As a result of that, intercultural and interracial mixing took place that created a generation of people who feel a connection to both countries at the same time. Prejudices have been reduced and stereotypes abolished.
<em>The interdependence</em> between the USA and Mexico has always been and still is business related. Starting with vegetables trading, the cross border shopping and manufacturing developed into big industry today. A major economy connection has developed through the maquiladora sector. Arizona based companies operate about 30% of maquiladoras in Sonora and Sonora's economy is dependent on this and the automobile industry in Arizona.
Cross-border shopping, tourism ( for pleasure and medical reasons), joined environmental projects, bilingual schools and cultural events are all parts of the interdependence between the two countries.
Colorism is a colonization of the mind” what does this quote means??
Skin color matters because we are a visual species and we respond to one another based on the way we physically present. Add to that the “like belongs with like” beliefs most people harbor, and the race-based prejudices human beings have attached to certain skin colors, and we come to present-day society, where skin color becomes a loaded signifier of identity and value. In the U.S. in particular, where we have an extremely diverse population, race still matters, but color matters, too.
In the 21st century, as America becomes less white and the multiracial community—formed by interracial unions and immigration—continues to expand, color will be even more significant than race in both public and private interactions. Why? Because a person’s skin color is an irrefutable visual fact that is impossible to hide, whereas race is a constructed, quasi-scientific classification that is often only visible on a government form.