Survival rates of newborns
Average life spans
Death rates
level of and access to medicare
Local diseases with high mortality rates (Malaria,AIDS,Dengue, ETC)
Education levels
Economic levels
Governmental programs or laws (available food) ECT
Temperature/environment conditions
The factor being tested is the variable. There are two types of variables, independent and dependent. The independent variable is the factor being changed by the scientist or the person controlling the experiment. The dependent variable is the thing that gets changed due to the changing of the independent variable. The dependent variable cannot be changed physically by the person doing the experiment.
E. glucosuria (glucose in the urine)
Generally, glycosuria occurs in patients with kidney changes due to diseases such as Wilson's disease or cystinosis, can also be a hereditary problem, but is not expected in patients with kidney damage caused by prolonged lithium use.
Normally, the kidneys filter the blood, eliminating all substances that are not necessary for the body to function, while glucose is reabsorbed in the blood because of its importance in energy production, but people with renal glycosuria do not reabsorb glucose. , which causes it to be eliminated in the urine, occurring glucosuria.