A glacial valley cross-sectional shape is a U shape whereas a stream valley is usually a V shape. The U shape comes from the scouring action of the alpine glaciers which carries rocks with it which can abrade the walls of the valley and the glacier occupies the whole valley so scours out such a shape whereas the stream cuts down and water washes in from the sides of the valley into the stream or river creating the V shape.
the sun/radiation (sorta)/ fusion/(yea pretty much the sun)
The contiguous United States are framed by three major bodies of water: the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. The Pacific also holds the Hawaiian Island chain. The Gulf stretches from Texas to Florida and also touches Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.
The country with the highest percentage of people practicing Isalm is Afghanistan with 99.8 percent of the population practicing :)
Hello! Your correct answer is,
D) none of the above
Why? Because all of the above are human activities that can and have increased tsunami destruction.
Hope I helped, tell me if I'm wrong