This is an opinion wise question
I think its okay how it is at the moment. we should focus more on learning in general, there isn't really much you can focus on learning about the millitary. And there are different JROTC programs in school around the country that teaches about the millitary and stuff, but focus on learning in General.
because a distribution map seems to show what the weather and temp will be like.
No one cares about Rwanda, America is the best country.
Siberia is a vast region, mostly in the territory of Russia, and it is divided into three large regions.
Western Siberian Plain/Lowland
Located between the Ural Mountains and the Yenisei River. Occupies the western part of Siberia, and it is mostly composed of lowlands covered with dense forest, the taiga. The northern part is dominated by the tundra.
<em>Central Siberian Plateau
Located between the Yenisei River and the Lena River. Occupies the central part of Siberia, and it is mostly dominated by a plateau which gains in height on the southern part and is lowering on the northern part. The lower parts are covered with the taiga, while the higher are barren. The northern part is dominated by the tundra.
<em>East Siberian Highlands
Located between the Lena River and the Pacific Ocean. Occupies the eastern part of Siberia, and the dominated land forms are the mountains, mostly the Kolyma Mountains. Depending on the elevation, the lower parts are covered with the taiga, while the higher are barren. The northern part is dominated by the tundra.