A: used by ISP's to filter out email SPAM
C: a way to help an individual focus on best choices when deciding what to watch or buy.
Collaborative filtering uses a community-based approach to filter spam. It works by collecting numerous email users from around the world. By doing this, it becomes possible for users to flag emails that are spam and those that are legitimate.
Also Collaborative Filtering is one of the most efficient techniques for building a system that can help a user when it comes to recommending best choices based on information from a large number of users.
c h b l
color palette and a lightbulb
technology is a whole means to provide goods needed for the survival and comfort of human life
Greg can see previews of his ad in the Preview tab of his Google My Business account.
Google My Business is a free tool for businesses to manage their online existence across Google including Search and Maps. It also provides them to edit their business information which helps customers to find their business. They can also find how many customers searched for their business.
So once Greg's ad has been officially accepted, he can enter the specific keywords he’s targeting to have a generic view of the ad in the browser. Google gives examples of desktop ads using the keywords selected in the campaign to make a general preview. As Greg types his URL, headline, and description, a generic preview of mobile and desktop versions of his ad will show up.