Back up the user data to removable disk
Before you work on a computer, especially anything that has to do with files not accessible, this might need to format the system because it might either be a virus or other forms of malware. Since backup was done to a different logical partition on the disk, the first thing to do before performing any diagnostic procedures on the disk is to back up the user data to a removable disk in order not to lose the information in the system.
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a Microsoft application package. It is a spreadsheet application used to analyse and manipulate data. It has columns which are referred to fields and rows also known as records.There are various features in excel that used to create statistical and graphical esctasies and data presentations.
It can be used to create template for CVs/resumes, Bank draft, receipts and invoice etc.
A LAN adapter is an expansion board that is used to connect a computer or computing device to a network. LAN adapter is the most common and generic alternate name for a Network Interface Card (NIC).
Spreadsheets should be used to capture the results of science experiments because they are good for sorting data. They make results easier and information easier to see and use.
B. !
(e<span>xclamation point is the symbol that </span>separates<span> a </span>worksheet reference<span> from a </span><span>cell reference)</span>