This is also an example of classical conditioning because the person associated the act of dissecting a sheep’s brain to the mashed potatoes and cauliflower on the table. The result of the experience is the act of ‘screaming’ at the sight because the association of the two stimuli is the reminder of the gruesome sheep brain dissection.
1. This could be a scary or dangerous situation and you don't want strangers to distract you.
2. The situation could be very personal to you or your family member, and it could be embarrassing for a stranger to know.
Otitis media
Infection of the middle ear and also has manifestations in the respiratory system(ear nose and throat system is connected)hence causing the cough and slight running nose
Mr. Chen can disenroll from his employer-sponsored coverage to elect a Medicare Advantage or Part D plan within 2 months of his disenrollment, but he should revaluate if he really wants to drop his employer coverage.
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