Passenger vehicle
noun. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine.
The error in sentence is Misplaced Modifier.
The correct sentence will be Although Shelby was very tired , she finished her project on time.
There are different parts of sentence in which grammatical mistakes can be done. They are:
Subordination: These express relationships clearly and the emphasis is carried out properly.They are used to describe time, purpose, cause and condition. Hence they make use of words like after, before, whenever,because, since, as, that, so that, in order that, if, even though, unless.
Parallelism: To demonstrate a similar level of importance, consistent word patterns and endings are used.
Misplaced Modifier: A modifier is placed somewhere in a sentence where the intended meaning is messed up.
Dangling modifier: it changes the meaning of sentence and cannot be identified.
Check below for the answer
Note that the errors cannot be underlined in your picture, but they are identified and listed below.
1) The article is not properly aligned. All the sentences and paragraphs are scattered all over the page.
2) In Paragraph 1, line 1-2, " What do you hope to get across to listeners". This is a question, and a question mark is required.
3) In Paragraph 2, the beginning statement is not a heading and should not be centralised. " About each" should not be at the center since it is a continuation of the previous line.
4) In paragraph 2, line 5, " The most important part of your podcast is what your interviewes have to say". The plural form of 'interviewee' is 'interviewees' and not " interviewes"
5) paragraph 4, line 4. The "um" should be quoted at the beginning and the end. Only the ending part of the quote is included.
Correction: Edit out every time someone says "um"