I believe the answer you are looking for is the Speaker of the House. The majority party always elects the House's Speaker. For example, the House is currently controlled by the Republicans and so, the Speaker of the House is Paul Ryan, a Republican.
Who was the first major battle of the Civil War and resulted in a Confederate victory
I am almost certain it is legal, let me know if I’m wrong, but I think that’s what happened with the OJ Simpson trial.
The primary goal of life tenure is to insulate the officeholder from external pressures. Certain heads of state, such as monarchs and presidents for life, are also given life tenure. United States federal judges have life tenure once appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
The Non Aligned Movement struggled to find relevance after the fall of the Soviet Union because was largely based on opposition to the Cold War. The fall of the Soviet Union ended communism hence the movement lost its significance and influence