how are the different region interdependent on each other
The "he" in the passage is Simon.
This quote is an example of symbolism.
William Golding's<em> Lord of the Flies</em> tells the story of a group of British boys stranded in a deserted island, and left to fend for themselves for survival. The story revolves around the theme of savagery and the struggle for power, away from a civilized world.
The classification of the group into <em>"biguns"</em> and <em>"littluns"</em> represents the strong and the weak, the older and the younger ones. Simon represents the middle ground of civilization and nature in one. As their stay in the island gets longer and they began to lose their sense of civilization, Simon represents the goodness remaining in a human. He felt the need to help the younger boys, thus pulling <em>"off the choicest (fruit) from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless outstretched hands"</em>. He is the remaining presence of goodness or humanity in the island, exerting kindness to others and helping those in need before his own needs.
This excerpt is an example of symbolism where Simon symbolizes the good, civilized world among the savagery of the other boys.
It is an example of civic virtue. Civic virtue refers to the citizens' effort to support the community where them live by sharing moral values and other standard accepted by that specific culture. This could include voting, showing empathy (helping your neighbor) and so forth.
One act was the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment act which paid farmers to plant crops that gave nutrients back into the soil, such as clover. This helped the depleted soil, rather than wheat and corn, which further exacerbated the problem.
There was also the creation of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which identified farmers that farmed certain crops and actually paid them to farm less of these crops. In doing so, they created artificial scarcity, which drove up the prices of the crops and gave the farmers more revenue.