1. Our results showed that test tube B contained end products of protein digestion, meaning that the isolated enzyme has the ability to break down protein. The end products of protein digestion include small polypeptides, dipeptides, and amino acids. In general, test tube B will contain the building blocks of proteins, which are the amino acids.
2. The two test tubes were placed in a hot water bath at 37oC. This is because the enzyme studied is a human enzyme and it works best at the human body temperature, which is approximately 37oC.
Enzymes are biological catalysts, which means that they accelerate chemical reactions. As a result, an enzyme's activity is greatly affected by temperature. Every enzyme, depending on each function and origin, has a specific range of ideal temperature conditions. If the temperature rises above the maximum accepted, then the enzyme denatures and loses its structure.
3. If the enzyme studied was added in a tube containing starch instead of proteins, then nothing would happen. This is because the enzymes are highly specialized and have very specific actions. It has been proved that this enzyme's activity involves the digestion of proteins.
Starch is a polysaccharide produced by plants, this means that starch is a carbohydrate. Given that starch is not a protein, it will not be digested by the enzyme. An enzyme digesting proteins, will not have any effect on carbohydrates.
4. The smaller molecules which are the result of the digestion happening in the digestive system are absorbed by the human body. More specifically, the products of protein digestion are absorbed by the intestine and then transported into the bloodstream. From the blood, they are then absorbed by other tissues.
After they are absorbed, they are used to build muscles or other compounds which can produce energy.
The best answer is C
The process by which a cell divides is called mitosis. It results in two daughter cells that are genetically identical to each other and to the original cell.
Multicellular organisms, depend on mitosis for growth and repair. Organisms repair some of their tissues using mitosis to regenerate new cells. Not all cells undergo mitosis at the same rate. In man, brain cells are much more difficult to regenerate than cheek cells which are constantly being replaced.
The correct answer will be-cooperate
Nematodes or ringworms interact with the bacteria in one of three ways: mutualism, parasitism and symbiosis.
The interaction between nematode <em>Steinernema carpocapsae</em> and bacteria <em>Xenorhabdus nematophila</em> prove to be a symbiotic relationship as both the organisms benefit each other.
The interaction between these two organisms is also known as cooperation because both the species can live without each other also. It is during the infective juvenile stage, the bacteria start living in the intestine of the nematode and benefiting the nematode. Both bacteria and nematode help each other killing the host and then utilizing the cadaver of the host.
Thus, cooperate is the correct answer.
AIDS attacks white blood cells, damaging the immune system and making the infected individual more susceptible to illness. White blood cells are the ones that fight off harmful bacteria, so without them you could even end up in the hospital or die from a common cold.