The most exact answer would be 0.19951% but the approximate answer would be 0.2%.
Any one of these three works:
plane MOU
plane MNU
plane NOU
Step-by-step explanation:
A plane can be named by a single letter, such as L in this problem, or by any three non-collinear points that lie on the plane. Non-collinear points are points that do not all lie in a single line.
Points M, N, O, and U lie on plane L, so you can choose any 3 of the 4 points to name the plane with, but make sure all 3 points are non-collinear.
To name plane L with points, you cannot use points MNO together since they are collinear, but you can name it using point U plus any two of the points M, N, and O.
plane L can be named
plane MOU
plane MNU
plane NOU
Do not name it plane MNO
Step-by-step explanation:
angles on a straight line
Standard deviation (S) = square root of the variance
Standard deviation is the measure of spread most commonly used in statistical practice when the mean is used to calculate central tendency. Thus, it measures spread around the mean
Step-by-step explanation: