The setting of a story refers to the place and time where the events in a story occurred. The setting of the story, "Soldier for a Crown" is in a ship of redeemed slaves headed to Nova Scotia. The timing of the events was during the American Revolution when some African slaves escaped from their masters to join the British troops. The setting shaped the portrayal of the plot by serving as an exposition into the story.
- The exposition is the background of a story that the author builds on. In this story by Charles Johnson, the setting serves as a background description of why the slaves were bound to Nova Scotia.
- It was the period of the American Revolution. Slaves who joined the British troops were rewarded by being freed of slavery.
- Thus, we see the story begin with a description of the former slaves aboard a ship en route to Nova Scotia.
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Strategies to consider:
1.) Needs and wants
-does he need new shoes?
2.) Opportunity cost
- savings he loses if he buys new shoes
- how long did he work to pay for those shoes?
3.) Short-term and long-term goals
- need shoes now?
- can plan to buy shoes in the future?
Sample response: Frankie should consider several strategies before buying a new pair of shoes. First, he should think about whether these shoes are a need or a want. Next, he should consider opportunity cost. If he buys the shoes, how else could he have spent that money? Could he have made better use of his resources? Finally, he must consider the issue of setting goals. He must identify whether this is a goal to accomplish now or in the future.
Teaching and Spoken Instruction Rubric Exceeds Expectation (3) Meets Expectation (2) Approaches Expectation (1) Total Score Introduction The introduction is inviting, states the main topic, and clearly establishes the goal of the manual. The introduction attempts to be inviting, states the topic, and establishes the goal of the manual. The introduction includes the topic and establishes the goal of the manual. Sequencing The details are placed in a logical order, and the way they are presented effectively conveys the necessary information. The details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented sometimes makes the writing less clear. Some necessary details may be missing or unclear. Word Choice The text is written as commands using active and appropriate verbs; needless words are omitted. The text is written as commands using appropriate verbs; most unnecessary language is omitted. The text is not written as commands or includes many unnecessary words. Recognition of Audience, Purpose, and Context The writer has considered the audience, purpose, and context of the piece and made necessary adjustments to the reading level, technicality, and length. The writer has considered the audience, purpose, or context and has made most necessary adjustments to the reading level, technicality, and length. The writer has considered the audience, purpose, or context but has not made all of the necessary adjustments.
The leaders believe that they should get more privileges than the laborers.