<span>During the late 19th century and early 20th century, many of the immigrants were from Ireland, Italy, Poland and Sweden. Some of these immigrants were dislocated Jews, and some had arrived even earlier from China. These people came to the United States with the goal of attaining a better and more prosperous life.</span>
The "New Immigration" to the United States in the late-nineteenth century refers to the increased numbers of people arriving from Southern Europe.
The purpose of NEPA was to declare national policy, promote efforts, to understand the ecological systems better, and to Establish a Council on Environmental Quality.
as we know the atomic bomb is known for ending a war but wich war?, well if we rember who helped create it (albert einstien)he was alive during wold war 2 but not by the cold war, he might of ben alive during ww1 but as a child or baby perhaps the only war were he could the atom bom is in ww2. please make me brainleast
Italy is located on two tectonic plates known as the Eurasian and African plates.