There is many reason, one way they could've been worried about is if the
new settlers would make war or take their land and food.
Another way is that they could've cause the Mexican to come of their land.
Hope it helped
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Answer:Beginning with George Washington's presidency, the United States sought a policy of isolationism and neutrality with regards to the internal affairs of other nations.
People should become vegetarian because it is proven to be healthier and besides we should have compassion for animals; since there is way too much animal cruelty going around just to have a plate of meat on the table.
The main point of the excerpt is that readers should be aware of the damage that the war has done to a generation of men who were impacted by it, and read the book with this idea in mind.
The epigraph wants to make sure that readers who approach this book do it with the same purpose as the one with which the author wrote it. He does not want the readers to think of this book as an accusation, a confession or an adventure.
Laws related to religion and morality
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
Two caveats:
Don't try to change your religion in some counries. Some countries that have a state religion have laws making you eligible to be executed by the government after a trial, or by your family in an honor killing if you change your religion from the official belief system.
Don't try to manifest your religious beliefs in practice if it includes the need to discriminate against or to denigrate others. There may be human rights legislation in place that make such treatment a crime.