he settlers demanded greater representation and more power from the Mexican Government. Revolts broke out in 1832 and 1833. Instead, General Santa Anna, dissolved the national congress late in 1834, and became dictator in Mexico. In Texas, American settlers decided to promote their own independence from Mexico
In 1619 self-government was recognized in Virginia. This establishment was called as house of burgesses which became the first representative assembly in the american colonies. House of Burgesses is a representative assembly in colonial virgina which was the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession. The grouping was one separation of the government recognized by Gov. Yeardley at Jamestown in July 30, 1619 and some comprised the governor himself and a committee, all chosen by the colonial administrator because each Virginia clearance was permitted to designate two Burgess, the original membership of the House of Burgesses was 22. The broadly held assembly like the British house of commons settled supplies and originated laws and the governor and council appreciated the right of revision and veto, as did the king and the house of lords at home. The assembly also assembled as a supreme court to evaluate the region courts. This arrangement persisted unchanged until the american revolution.
Rome-Berlin Axis - alliance between Mussolini and Hitler
Demilitarized - no weapons and fortifications permitted
Appeasement - satisfying reasonable demands in exchange for peace
Nazi-Sovjet nonaggresion pact - agreement between hitler and stalin
Strom Thurmond, together with the Dixiecrats advocated the state's rights using the ideas of freedom. The Dixiecrats thought that the government was giving more rights to minorities, they believed that this is unjust. So they proposed that the states should be able to decide on the policies that they want to be implemented.
I would be excited I am rich then start to panic then become president to make laws saying I dont have to pay my taxes