Each population of a species have different genes.
Kingdom - Phylum - Order - Class - Genus - Family - Species
- Use bikes and non motor engines to get short distances BIKES is a good option.
- Support electricaly charged vehicles
- Turn off your car when you are not driving
- Walk to school if you can
- Make sure to recycle paper
- reuse old notebooks that are not finished for the next year
- Get outdoors and spread your carbon dioxide
- try playing ball games and not video games so much becasue it means you use electricity that is generated by fossil
- Turn off lights before bed
- dont keep the TV on all the time.
Hope that helps :)
The smoke from prescribed burn and managed wildfires is an extremely toxic air pollutant that is very dangerous to<span> unborn fetuses, infant children and elderly people</span>. It also affects normal healthy people without warning. Wood smoke pollution is 12 times more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke, attacks the body cells up to 40 times longer, and kills at least 40,000 adults and children every year. It contains a toxic soup of more than 4,000 chemical compounds of harmful gases and particle matter that go deep in the lungs and kill people, 69 of which are known human carcinogens, including arsenic, particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, dioxin, nitrogen oxides, and radioactive material. Warnings to stay inside on high pollution days are misleading and false. The tiny particles and gases seep inside of homes reaching up to 70 percent of the outside pollution level. No one is safe inside or outside of their homes.
She has serious osteoporosis, the postmenopausal shortage of estrogen has put her bones in danger, weight-bearing activity and supplemental calcium will most likely be recommended. Osteoporosis is a state of delicate bone with an expanded vulnerability to break. Osteoporos is debilitated bone and builds the danger of bones breaking.