The following statement is True.
Because when we are applying the pair t-test then, take differences of that pair and then treat it as an individual samples. Formula for the test is a statistic and in this case, it is also same as formula in the one-sample of t statistics.
Therefore, it will be an equivalent to the one-sample t-test.
Python is the correct answer.
Python Programming Language is might be good for those programmers who are beginners because the following Language is quite easy and simple to learn. When any programmer using Python Language for the programming then, they easily write their program because of its simplicity, it is easy and quick for learning language. This language creates program easy and short.
The detail answer of this question is given in explanation section.
The simple answer is option B
Let took at each option:
A) an html tag
An html tag is used to start and end html document. It does not have anything to do with rendering.
B) a doctype declaration
The document type declaration is necessary because it tell the browser which version of html should be rendered.
C)Body tag tell the browser. it is the visible area of website.
D) A hear tag is used to clear meta data about website.
accounting system
The most common response variable modeled for cropping systems is yield, whether of grain, tuber, or forage biomass yield. This yield is harvested at a single point in time for determinate annual crops, while indeterminate crops and grasslands may be harvested multiple times. Although statistical models may be useful for predicting these biological yields in response to some combination of weather conditions, nutrient levels, irrigation amounts, etc. (e.g., Schlenker and Lobell, 2010, Lobell et al., 2011), they do not predict responses to nonlinearities and threshold effects outside the range of conditions in data used to develop them.
In contrast, dynamic cropping and grassland system models may simulate these biological yields and other responses important to analysts, such as crop water use, nitrogen uptake, nitrate leaching, soil erosion, soil carbon, greenhouse gas emissions, and residual soil nutrients. Dynamic models can also be used to estimate responses in places and for time periods and conditions for which there are no prior experiments. They can be used to simulate experiments and estimate responses that allow users to evaluate economic and environmental tradeoffs among alternative systems. Simulation experiments can predict responses to various climate and soil conditions, genetics, and management factors that are represented in the model. “Hybrid” agricultural system models that combine dynamic crop simulations with appropriate economic models can simulate policy-relevant “treatment effects” in an experimental design of climate impact and adaptation (Antle and Stockle, 2015).
B) opt-out identify
To opt-out means refusing to or avoiding to accept unsolicited refers to products or service information. In this caseyou are refusing to accept Bing as your default search provider