D. A spike of electricity. They are fast and have a short duration.
to remember the passwords you could either make a little rhyme to "help" remember it or you could be like everyone else and write it down on a piece of paper. you could also write the password over and over again to make it stick. a way to make a password different from an old one is to use completely different wording and completely different numbers.
The commutative property states that the numbers on which we operate can be moved or swapped from their position without making any difference to the answer.
Your software is not remembering your password or SSID , maybe your router also has a forget all setting
#let the user input data
Hours = int(input(“enter how many hours were worked”))
Pay_rate = float(input(“Enter the pay rate”))
Pay_amount = Pay_rate * Hours
#calculate the wages
Print (Pay_amount)
#print the final answer